Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Existing Living and Working Areas (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Historical Growth Pattern (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Present and Future Living Areas (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Present and Future Working Areas (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Assiniboine River Flowing East Through Metropolitan Winnipeg from the West Perimeter Highway to the Junction with the Red River (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Red River Flowing North Through Metropolitan Winnipeg from the South Perimeter Highway to the Junction with the Assiniboine River (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Red River Flowing North Through Metropolitan Winnipeg from the Junction with the Assiniboine River to the North Perimeter Highway (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Central Area Population (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Central Area Pedestrian [Flow] (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Metropolitan Winnipeg Urban Renewal Areas (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Areas of No Urban Expansion (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Transportation - Present and Future Thorofares (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Transportation - Other Existing Systems (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
Winnipeg Present & Future Metropolitan Water & Waste Disposal Systems (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
[Winnipeg Urban Design - Downtown Lane] (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
[Winnipeg Urban Design - Downtown Street] (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
[Winnipeg Urban Design - Pedestrian Mall] (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
[Winnipeg Urban Landscape Treatment of Downtown Open Space] (1966)
Historical Maps of Manitoba:
[Winnipeg Urban Design - Downtown Street Vehicles and Pedestrians] (1966)