mangoldm: The Strangers in the Grass
mangoldm: Chesapeake Bay Bridge
mangoldm: Chesapeake Bay
mangoldm: Terrapin Beach State Park
mangoldm: Business Class
mangoldm: Friends
mangoldm: Sculpture Garden at Lunchtime
mangoldm: Palm Springs Windmills
mangoldm: VW Beetle Spider
mangoldm: Palm Springs Windmills
mangoldm: Monarch Buttrfly
mangoldm: Ostrich at the Living Desert
mangoldm: African Wild Dogs
mangoldm: African Wild Dogs
mangoldm: Giraffes at the Living Desert
mangoldm: Giraffes at the Living Desert
mangoldm: African Spurred Tortoise
mangoldm: Gobsmacked at the Cholla Cactus Garden
mangoldm: Cholla Cactus
mangoldm: Joshua Tree National Park at Sunset
mangoldm: Palm Springs Windmills
mangoldm: Wye Island
mangoldm: Wye Island
mangoldm: On the Hunt
mangoldm: Sweetgum Tree
mangoldm: Sweet Gum Tree
mangoldm: Wye Island
mangoldm: Feed Corn
mangoldm: Song Sparrow