mangee: The Telecom Network is broken. yeah, we know.
mangee: WestPac Stadium - Carols By CandleLight - Panorama
mangee: WestPac Stadium - Carols By CandleLight - Panorama
mangee: IMG_6325.JPG
mangee: IMG_6323.JPG
mangee: Just checking he's still got the train ticket...
mangee: Someone doesn't like Fran, at least not her walk. - 3
mangee: Someone doesn't like Fran, at least not her walk. - 2
mangee: Someone doesn't like Fran, at least not her walk. - 1
mangee: Ooo.. that was a train!
mangee: Mention trains, and that boy is GONE... see that blur..
mangee: Da Stadium
mangee: Jumping, running, dancing. Entergeting 2 year olds.
mangee: IMG_6298.JPG
mangee: 3 fairies
mangee: Other people taking photos of the three fairies
mangee: Cops on the 'walk'
mangee: IMG_6289.JPG
mangee: IMG_6288.JPG
mangee: If I pull this hard enough, maybe they will lower the volume?
mangee: Disinterested attendees
mangee: Stage form afar
mangee: Man, these seats make cool thump noises when I bounce them
mangee: IMG_6274.JPG
mangee: IMG_6273.JPG
mangee: STD_6270.JPG
mangee: STC_6269.JPG
mangee: STB_6268.JPG
mangee: STA_6267.JPG
mangee: STE_6262.JPG