manganite: Give me your hand and follow me...
manganite: Maiko on the job
manganite: Kyoto memories III
manganite: Kyoto memories XIII
manganite: Gion blues
manganite: Verticals: Blue Kyoto
manganite: Kyoto memories IV
manganite: Motion blur
manganite: Kyoto eki
manganite: The people on the other track
manganite: Horizontals: Speed of light
manganite: Shit! Someone was crossing the street :(
manganite: Taxi signs
manganite: Indifferent
manganite: Horizontals: Good luck
manganite: Taking a taxi
manganite: The streets of Gion at night
manganite: At night at the river in Gion
manganite: Somewhere in Gion
manganite: Manly men like pink!
manganite: Blurred beauty of the night
manganite: Night candid
manganite: Red lantern
manganite: Horizontals: Red lantern
manganite: Kyoto beauty
manganite: Faces of Japan XIX
manganite: Deep blue: Stairway
manganite: Blue dragonfly
manganite: A dragonfly