Joshua Crawford: "Better to die than to live here", so sounds the imperious and seductive voice. And this "here", this "at home" is everything which it loved
Joshua Crawford: A rebellious, despotic, volcanically jolting desire to roam abroad
Joshua Crawford: Diffidence and delicacy
Joshua Crawford: And there might be a whole long list of such Similarlys
Joshua Crawford: What I always needed most to cure and restore myself, however, was the belief that I was not the only one to be thus, to see thus
Joshua Crawford: All of them, I have been told, contain snares and nets for careless birds
Joshua Crawford: Malevolence takes place as one of life's great stimulants
Joshua Crawford: Pellets of petty malice
Joshua Crawford: Still, their shape, however disagreeable, is human
Joshua Crawford: Julian at Constantinople
Joshua Crawford: Universal History of Infamy