Amanda Buck: dave on the Holocaust memorial
Amanda Buck: Holocaust memorial
Amanda Buck: Holocaust memorial
Amanda Buck: Nikole in the Holocaust memorial
Amanda Buck: Holocaust memorial
Amanda Buck: berlin
Amanda Buck: berlin_0711_041.JPG
Amanda Buck: checkpoint charlie
Amanda Buck: we don't have these in ohio
Amanda Buck: berlin_0711_070.JPG
Amanda Buck: hole in the wall
Amanda Buck: sea of people
Amanda Buck: all you need is love
Amanda Buck: pensive
Amanda Buck: Grace making her mark
Amanda Buck: our mark
Amanda Buck: berlin_0711_089.JPG
Amanda Buck: Kaiser Wilhelm
Amanda Buck: weeeeeee
Amanda Buck: berlin_0711_103.JPG
Amanda Buck: berlin_0711_100.JPG
Amanda Buck: Potsdamer Platz
Amanda Buck: Kinder egg surprises
Amanda Buck: Thanksgiving dinner
Amanda Buck: walking through Potsdam
Amanda Buck: berlin hauptbahnhof
Amanda Buck: berlin hauptbahnhof