Mancunian1001: 408 Bristol VRT AJA 408L, Selnec Cheshire
Mancunian1001: 1001 Leyland Atlantean HVM 901F (Mancunian style, Ralph Bennett, 1968), Manchester City Transport
Mancunian1001: SELNEC Central Leyland Atlantean 7001 VNB 101L, Park Royal body, Swinton
Mancunian1001: 1001 Leyland Atlantean
Mancunian1001: Stockport PD2 (interior shot 1)
Mancunian1001: Manchester Leyland
Mancunian1001: Bury Leyland Atlantean
Mancunian1001: Wigan PD2
Mancunian1001: Bolton Transport, Leyland Atlantean
Mancunian1001: Leyland PD2/40, Salford City Transport
Mancunian1001: Ramsbottom Corporation, Leyland PD3
Mancunian1001: SELNEC Leyland National
Mancunian1001: Bristol K5G, AJA 152, North Western Road Car Company
Mancunian1001: Leyland Atlantean, HVM 901F, Manchester City Transport
Mancunian1001: Bolton Transport Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1, UWH 185, East Lancashire
Mancunian1001: Bury Transport Leyland Atlantean, REN 116
Mancunian1001: SHMD 76 Daimler CVG6, VTU 76 and Stockport Corporation Leyland Titan PD2, EDB 562
Mancunian1001: Stockport Corporation Leyland Titan PD2, EDB 562, offside view
Mancunian1001: Oldham Corporation Leyland Atlantean, OBU 163F, offside view
Mancunian1001: Stockport Corporation Leyland Titan PD2, EDB 562
Mancunian1001: North Western Road Car Company, Leyland PD2 interior
Mancunian1001: Oldham Corporation Leyland Atlantean, OBU 163F
Mancunian1001: Rochdale Corporation AEC Regent V, NDK 980
Mancunian1001: Oldham Corporation Leyland Titan PD2/20, NBU 494
Mancunian1001: SELNEC Central Leyland Atlantean 7001 VNB 101L, Park Royal body, Swinton (Acceptable in 1971 Edit)
Mancunian1001: Trans Lancs Express title page
Mancunian1001: Spot the Mistake, Leyland Tiger Cub NDB 356, Marple