Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor with attendees of a Civic Reception for the 70th Anniversary of Windrush
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor meets soldiers at Armed Forces Day
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor meets Governor of Gomel, Belarus
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor attending Manchester Youth Market
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor at Muslim Jewish Iftar
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor, Vice Lord Lieutenant, Cllr Tommy Judge with Reg 103 at Armed Forces Day Flag Raising
Manchester City Council: Manchester Day!
Manchester City Council: Lord with Children heading off on the Peace Trail
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor with Bishop of Manchester at the Ordination of Deacons
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor speaking at Manchester Together - With One Voice - Photograph by Mark Waugh
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor speaking at EU Falls Civic Reception
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor Signing Volunteers Week Certificates
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor meeting HRH the Duke of Cambridge at the National Service of Commemoration - Photo by Mark Waugh
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor hanging her message on the Tree of Hope - Photograph by Mark Waugh
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor at the Opening for Represent! Voices 100 Years On ©
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor at the Manchester Youth Market
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor at the Manchester Youth Market (2)
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor at Armed Forces day
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort at Copeland Close Reception
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort at Armed Forces Day
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort accepting wreath from the group 7 Symbols of Peace
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor at Windrush Celebration - Photo by MEN Media
Manchester City Council: Civic Reception for RAF 100 Aircraft Tour
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort at a Reception for the TUC Congress
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort at the Henshaws Exhibition
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort enjoying Manchester Pride 1
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort enjoying Manchester Pride 2
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort enjoying Manchester Pride 3
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and Consort meeting members of the Indian community
Manchester City Council: Lord Mayor and the Governor of Kagoshima Signing a Friendship Agreement