jan gates: the palace workers on a well-deserved break
jan gates: marvelous view
jan gates: you could see forever from the castle ramparts
jan gates: very nutty and touristy castle
jan gates: 20 to 2 in castle land
jan gates: crazy dizzifying cacaphony of styles
jan gates: life-saver driving a tuk-tuk. he stopped and offered a ride half-way up the mountain. 5 euros to the castle and another life saved. he saves many lives every day.
jan gates: my friendly guide. the rascal neglected to tell me it was a couple of hours to walk up a very very steep mountain to get to the castle..
jan gates: rest stop during the journey
jan gates: great little pastry-topped "telephone" booths
jan gates: dizzying mix of pre-post modern styles
jan gates: beautiful handrails