jan gates: the tree of life .... a little bit gnarly, but beautiful too.
jan gates: squirrelly
jan gates: jericho beach park
jan gates: beady
jan gates: squirrel dreaming he can fly
jan gates: autumn colours
jan gates: autumn colours
jan gates: rorsach pond
jan gates: jericho beach park
jan gates: jericho beach forest
jan gates: the pond
jan gates: ducks in a row
jan gates: jericho beach
jan gates: duck pond at dusk
jan gates: submerged
jan gates: wistful
jan gates: weeping
jan gates: ducks
jan gates: sway
jan gates: bull-rushes at jericho
jan gates: duck pond
jan gates: jericho beach duck pond
jan gates: jericho beach duck pond
jan gates: jericho beach pond