Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'See-through', Installation, 2006
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'See-through', Installation, 2006
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /red/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /blue/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /grey/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /black/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /green/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /white/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /pink/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /miscellaneous/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /orange/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /yellow/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /purple/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /brown/' from the series 'See Through', 2004
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Stockholm 12 August 2006', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Motala 26 December 2006', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 8 February 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 7 February 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 25 April 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 16 February 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 11 June 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 10 June 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'London 10 February 2007', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Linkoping 21 August 2006', from the series 'Belongings Apart', 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘01 London 26 May 2007’, from the series ‘Belongings Apart’, C-type print, 2007
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘The Spare Room’, site-specific installation for Man&Eve Gallery, 2007
Man&Eve: pan spare room PP.jpg