Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, installation view, 'Parallelistic Imitations', Chateau de Sacy, 2010
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, installation view, 'Parallelistic Imitations', Chateau de Sacy, 2010
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Parallelistic Imitation no. 1', detail, lamda print, 300 x 300mm, 2010
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, installation view, 'Parallelistic Imitations', Chateau de Sacy, 2010
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Tangra Me no. 3', Installation in situ, wood, mirrored perspex, dimensions variable, 2010
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Tangra Me no. 2', Installation in situ, wood, mirrored perspex, dimensions variable, 2010
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Untitled Yet (1976-2010)', 2010 C-type print, 60” x 45”, Mounted on aluminium, Edition of 10 + 2 AP
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘Untitled Yet (1976-2010) Series’, 2010 C-type print, 4 pieces, 20” x 20”, Edition of 10 + 2 AP
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Woodworks', 2010, C-type print, 40” x 31.2”, C-type prints, 4 pieces 7” x 7”, Edition of 10 + 2 AP
Man&Eve: Untitled (Painting # 01 1954-2009), 2009 C-type print, 40” x 40” each, Edition of 10 + 2 AP
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Untitled (Painting # 01, 1954-2009)', 2009 C-type print, 40” x 40”, Edition of 10 + 2 AP
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'The Blind Spot', site specific installation for 'Art in the Car Park', Liverpool Biennial, 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'The Blind Spot', site specific installation for 'Art in the Car Park', Liverpool Biennial, 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'The Blind Spot', site specific installation for 'Art in the Car Park', Liverpool Biennial, 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Mirroculous', Site specific installation for 'I Love Peckham', 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Mirroculous', Site specific installation for 'I Love Peckham', 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'A Fortempt', Digital C-Type print, 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'A Fortempt', Digital C-Type print, 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'A Fortempt', Digital C-Type print, 2008
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Elsa & Ingeborg', 2004, C-type prints, 30” x 30”, Edition of 5 + 2AP
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Ingeborg & Elsa', 2007, C-type prints, 30” x 30”, Edition of 5 + 2AP
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Ingeborg & Elsa', 2010, C-Type prints, 30" x 30", Edition of 5 + 2 A/P
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Ingeborg & Elsa', 2010, C-Type prints, 30" x 30", Edition of 5 + 2 A/P
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'Rememorize'
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘Rememorize’ Sight-Specific Installation, Lambda-print and Objects, 2005
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘Otto’ Diptych from Sight-specific Installation ‘Anna Otto Bob’, C-type prints, Edition of 5 (+2AP) ‘40x50’ inches, 2003
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘Bob’ Diptych ‘Anna Otto Bob’, C-type prints
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘Otto’ Diptych ‘Anna Otto Bob’, C-type prints, 2003
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, ‘Anna’ Diptych ‘Anna Otto Bob’, C-type prints
Man&Eve: Helga Steppan, 'All my things, /miscellaneous/' from the series 'See Through', 2004