manami_1014: Old spice boxies
manami_1014: Moomin eats local food, "Stini Ćevab" in Sarajevo
manami_1014: Moomin in snowy Sarajevo
manami_1014: Moomin at a nice old restaurant
manami_1014: Moomin by the window at Inat Kuća in Sarajevo
manami_1014: Moomin at Inat Kuća
manami_1014: Moomin, beer and my bible, Lonely Planet
manami_1014: Warm soup in a cold snowy day in Sarajevo
manami_1014: Moomin and Latin bridge
manami_1014: Moomin at Alifakovac cemetery
manami_1014: Seher-cehaja's Bridge
manami_1014: Moomin at Sebilj in snowing Sarajevo
manami_1014: It's been snowing today in Sarajevo
manami_1014: Syömään!!
manami_1014: Party time!!
manami_1014: Moomin at Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque
manami_1014: Moomin at Turkish house
manami_1014: Moomin and the bridge behind
manami_1014: Moomin at Braće Fejića
manami_1014: Moomin under the bridge
manami_1014: Moomin at the bridge
manami_1014: Moomin at the old bridge
manami_1014: Moomin and the old bridge
manami_1014: Moomin and Restaurant Taurus
manami_1014: Moomin at the shopping street
manami_1014: Moomin and the tower near Crooked Bridge
manami_1014: Party!!
manami_1014: Scars of the war everywhere in Mostar
manami_1014: Moomin at the promenade in the evening
manami_1014: Moomin and East Palace Gate