MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 24 - Welcome to MSU
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 21 - Reflection of the Management Tower on Chancellor Hall glass panels.
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 17 - Students walking up the big staircase at U-Square
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 15 - View of the classroom hallway at the Academic Tower
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 10 - The World Map on a sunny afternoon.
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 2 - Blue skies over Management Tower
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 14 - The Escalator
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 11 - A student studies in the main lobby of the library.
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 40 - Multimedia Lab
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 42 - A perspective view of the Islamic & Cultural Centre (ICC)
MSUmalaysia: 365@msu: 44 - The Science Tower
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