Pete Varnham: Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia) Male
Pete Varnham: Emperor Moth Saturnia pavonia) Female
Pete Varnham: Early Spider Orchid (Ophrys sphegodes) Thanks to Bob Eade for the use of his lens on this one.
Pete Varnham: Early Spider Orchid ( Ophrys sphegodes)
Pete Varnham: Common Toads - Bufo Bufo
Pete Varnham: Stonechat - Saxicola torquata
Pete Varnham: Adders - Vipera berus, this was part of a group of five.
Pete Varnham: The other Wheatear i saw the other day on the tumuli.
Pete Varnham: I had an early walk this morning hoping to see my first Wheatear of the year, I saw two, this one was at Castle Hill, Newhaven. The second was along by Harbour Height on the tumuli.
Pete Varnham: Fulmars - Fulmarus glacialis
Pete Varnham: Sleeping beauty
Pete Varnham: Roll on summer!
Pete Varnham: Caspian Gull - !st Winter
Pete Varnham: Caspian Gull - !st winter
Pete Varnham: Caspian Gull- !st winter
Pete Varnham: Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
Pete Varnham: Sanderling - Calidris alba
Pete Varnham: Rook - Corvus frugileagus
Pete Varnham: Stretching Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus
Pete Varnham: !st winter Caspian Gull - Larus cachinnaus
Pete Varnham: Turnstone-Arenaria interpres
Pete Varnham: Sanderling-Calidris alba
Pete Varnham: Purple Sandpiper
Pete Varnham: Purple Sandpiper on a very windy day, blowing staight in off the English Channel, this individual really struggled because it only had one leg.
Pete Varnham: The Warden of the Marshes- Red Shank-Tringa totanus
Pete Varnham: Cliffe Bonfire Society's Tableax of Sepp Blatter
Pete Varnham: DSC_4348.jpg
Pete Varnham: Raven - Corvus corex
Pete Varnham: Pearl-bordered fritillary - Boloria euphrosyne
Pete Varnham: Adonis Blues - Lysandra bellargus