Mamluke: My Office
Mamluke: My Office - & Leonard
Mamluke: Sculpture on top of Williamson Hall
Mamluke: Sculpture on top of Williamson Hall
Mamluke: Folwell Hall & Sculpture
Mamluke: My Office - a vignette on the computer
Mamluke: My Office - a vignette in the window
Mamluke: My Office - a vignette in the window
Mamluke: Cracked Nose
Mamluke: Nose Job
Mamluke: University of Minnesota
Mamluke: Folwell Hall Gophers
Mamluke: Estey Corporation label
Mamluke: Estey Corporation
Mamluke: Science!
Mamluke: Periodic Table 2
Mamluke: Periodic Table
Mamluke: Molecular Modeling
Mamluke: Santa is Real
Mamluke: Office Building
Mamluke: The whole of my office windows
Mamluke: Part of my office - Leonard waving from the window
Mamluke: Cone Man
Mamluke: Arm in the sky
Mamluke: Lots O pipes
Mamluke: Shiny 2
Mamluke: Shiny
Mamluke: Which way is up?
Mamluke: Shiny Pipes
Mamluke: Weisman Art Museum wing