Mama's Losin It: Hello friend...
Mama's Losin It: Beach day
Mama's Losin It: Fish eye at the beach...
Mama's Losin It: Who's got two paws and wants to play fetch? This guy!
Mama's Losin It: One last happy 4th of July! Is it bed time yet?
Mama's Losin It: I heart you.
Mama's Losin It: Slip and sliding
Mama's Losin It: This is how they spent the day...made $17!
Mama's Losin It: Jack is Keeping me company today.
Mama's Losin It: Perfect spot for a bath. :)
Mama's Losin It: Old school Pike Place Market. Cuh-Razy.
Mama's Losin It: Last nights sparkling wine. I miss it already.
Mama's Losin It: How Wednesdays make me feel.
Mama's Losin It: I think Jack wants to go for a swim.
Mama's Losin It: This counts as learning something...I'm of the hook for the rest of the week.
Mama's Losin It: Saw Ice Age4 today with the kiddos. :)
Mama's Losin It: Laina's art "home is wherever I'm with you".
Mama's Losin It: Heart shaped fruit for my boy.
Mama's Losin It: I think I just found my #blogher12 brunch outfit.
Mama's Losin It: Just walked through an amazing house in our ideal neighborhood. If only we were $600,000 richer.
Mama's Losin It: Proud of my girl today for making it all the way up that rock wall. :)
Mama's Losin It: I think it's clear who the true owner of this domain is.
Mama's Losin It: Chucky Cheese today...when does school start back up again?
Mama's Losin It: Better them than me.
Mama's Losin It: Sunset on Redondo
Mama's Losin It: Spending today at Remlinger Farms.
Mama's Losin It: Feeding goats.
Mama's Losin It: Did you know a female donkey is called a Jenny? Sshhh...don't tell my sister.
Mama's Losin It: Silly Goose