jlfconceicao: Seixoeira - Calidris canutus - Red knot
jvverde: Blue-cheeked Bee-eater // Abelharuco-persa
mapecard: "Sticks in the river, reflections and fog".
Linda Martin Photography: Little Green Heron
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): green acorns ....(6375)
mapecard: "Rio de Onor", Bragança.
Maria Albertina Mendes 26 05: Picanço-real (Lanius meridionalis)
anacm.silva: Felosa musical / Willow warbler
mapecard: "Little Chapel in the Moutains".
jlfconceicao: Garçote comum - Ixobrychus minutus - Litle Bittern
Luiz Lapa: Garça-real, Grey Heron
Luiz Lapa: Abelharuco-europeu, European Bee-eater
Luiz Lapa: Pernilongo, juvenil, em voo feliz com a presa, Black-winged Stilt, juvenile, on a happy flight with the prey
jvverde: Crowned Sandgrouse // Cortiçol-coroado
jlfconceicao: Andorinhão pálido - Apus pallidus - Pallid swift
Laval Roy: 1.21427 Bulbul orphée / Pycnonotus jocosus fuscicaudatus / Red-whiskered Bulbul
jvverde: Rufous-naped Lark // Cotovia-de-nuca-vermelha
jvverde: Reichenow's Seedeater
Linda Martin Photography: Down the Hatch!
creaturesnapper: The White-point --- Mythimna albipuncta
creaturesnapper: Small Square-spot --- Diarsia rubi
jsnchezyage: Archibebe claro (Tringa nebularia)
mapecard: S. Pedro do Sul.
jvverde: Greater Hoopoe-Lark // Calhandra-de-bico-curvo
Stephen B53: Sparrowhawk
mapecard: "Huebneriana trifolii and Macroglossum stelatarum".
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): backlight ....(6398)
PETEJLB: Black-tailed Godwit
Linda Martin Photography: White Tailed Eagle Juvenile
mapecard: "Sun Worshipers".