magnificent momma: The couple poses with her family
magnificent momma: Reena and her family
magnificent momma: Reena prepares to enter the house
magnificent momma: The fabric to preserve her footprints
magnificent momma: Foot paint waiting to preserve Reena's "first steps" into the house
magnificent momma: My MIL prepares the symbolic blessings
magnificent momma: Reena waits for the flowers
magnificent momma: completing the symbolism, me and my MIL
magnificent momma: Reena holds the symbolic items
magnificent momma: Reena paints her feet
magnificent momma: Reena steps on the fabric to make footprints
magnificent momma: I hold the foot paint
magnificent momma: Entering the house
magnificent momma: Future bride
magnificent momma: Feet washing
magnificent momma: We wash our future sister-in-law's feet when she enters the house
magnificent momma: Reena and her parents
magnificent momma: Soham and Dadda, Dima
magnificent momma: making it official
magnificent momma: watching the ceremony
magnificent momma: Me and my shadow
magnificent momma: The priest
magnificent momma: Soham and his dad during the engagement ceremony
magnificent momma: Bindumassi and her daughter in law
magnificent momma: my boys' great-grandfather
magnificent momma: the puja set-up
magnificent momma: The priest and the offerings
magnificent momma: The future mothers in law