Cristy McAuley: A snowy day... 32/365
Cristy McAuley: Wild Turkeys 55/365, 8/52
Cristy McAuley: Blowing in the Wind..... 48/365
Cristy McAuley: Blue Jay in the Snow... 35/365
Cristy McAuley: The Dove 34/365
Cristy McAuley: The birdie ballet... ?
Cristy McAuley: The Lake
Cristy McAuley: A walk ...
Cristy McAuley: Morning in the D
Cristy McAuley: Harold & Maude
Cristy McAuley: Beautiful Swan
Cristy McAuley: Wet feet
Cristy McAuley: What's Up?
Cristy McAuley: Ducks in row
Cristy McAuley: Tufted Titmouse
Cristy McAuley: Green heron?
Cristy McAuley: Great Egret
Cristy McAuley: Picnicing peacocks
Cristy McAuley: Taking the leap
Cristy McAuley: the Outing
Cristy McAuley: Shake your tailfeathers
Cristy McAuley: The feeder