mamaladama: archaeologists at the forum
mamaladama: archaeologists at the forum
mamaladama: a mild sunny day at the forum
mamaladama: Temple of Saturn interior
mamaladama: Temple of Saturn interior
mamaladama: mamaladama at the forum
mamaladama: the forum
mamaladama: the forum, looking west
mamaladama: retaining walls, Palatine Hill
mamaladama: Curia Julia, Senate House
mamaladama: Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius
mamaladama: Temple of Castor and Pollux
mamaladama: House of the Vestal Virgins
mamaladama: House of the Vestals, small pool
mamaladama: Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
mamaladama: Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
mamaladama: crossing the Palatine Hill
mamaladama: looking across the Palatine Hill
mamaladama: House of Augustus
mamaladama: aviaries atop the Palatine Hill
mamaladama: more scaffolding, Palatine Hill
mamaladama: holding it together with duct tape
mamaladama: west side of the Palatine Hill
mamaladama: Nero's rotating dining room
mamaladama: Nero's rotating dining room
mamaladama: octagonal courtyard of the Domus Flavia, Palatine Hill
mamaladama: remains of the Temple of Venus and Roma, the Forum
mamaladama: Temple of Hercules Victor
mamaladama: Temple of Hercules Victor
mamaladama: Temple of Portunus