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BIFF Meeting! by Mama Jen
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Mama Jen
Right after this picture was taken an entire glass of water got dumped on the table.
Mama Jen
Carrisa! and Dawn!
Mama Jen
Gotta love Texas
Mama Jen
This dirt storm kept knocking out the power in IKEA, and also caused all the stoplights to turn to flashing red lights.
Mama Jen
CE! (aka Jeanne), Me!, and Carrisa!
Mama Jen
Yeah, we're some fine bitches.
Mama Jen
D-Bo playing in IKEA.
Mama Jen
Rocky bye.
Mama Jen
Jeanne and BabyGirl
Mama Jen
Dawn was making funny faces.
Mama Jen
Mama Jen
Goofyball ketchup-face
Mama Jen
Dawn and Babygirl
Mama Jen
Carrisa and BabyGirl
Mama Jen
Too cute.
Mama Jen
I have no idea why, but when I first read this I read it as "J ate one weiner."
Mama Jen
My goodies from IKEA.
Mama Jen
Jeanne is AWESOME!
Mama Jen
Sephora goodies!
Mama Jen
Maybe THE ugliest bears ever, but they were fun to get!
Mama Jen
Jeanne's License Plate