malweth: Please can I have a cookie?
malweth: Happy Birthday Julian!
malweth: Yeah, that's what I am...
malweth: One year olds can pick up stuff too
malweth: Happy Birthday!
malweth: So serious!
malweth: SAD Birthday!
malweth: Watch yourself dad!
malweth: Yay, I'm One!
malweth: Not fair!
malweth: I bet I can work this latch...
malweth: Something wrong with this picture?
malweth: This is how it should be!
malweth: 100_2514
malweth: Don't disturb me, please!
malweth: Young or not?
malweth: Can't I have some?
malweth: After picasa
malweth: Before picasa
malweth: Water wild!
malweth: Biggest waterdish ever!
malweth: Drop it!!
malweth: Don't worry... I've got it!
malweth: Today is going swimmingly
malweth: Can you throw this for me?
malweth: Wet => Happy
malweth: Happy and wet
malweth: Waterdog ballchaser
malweth: Woof... I'm soaked
malweth: Wet and wooly