malugo: Fed, ich, Surfen.
malugo: Merri
malugo: Lab of Ornithology, Sapsucker Woods
malugo: Merri and Marie Pumpkin
malugo: me at Otherworld
malugo: Praying Mantis
malugo: End of a Good Day
malugo: Windig
malugo: Ferdinand
malugo: Siesta Break - 15 Minutes from the Lab
malugo: On the Lake
malugo: Edoardo
malugo: Schwesterherzen!
malugo: Gabe and his daughter
malugo: Sapsucker woods, lake
malugo: Platsch.
malugo: Wald hinterm Schafstall
malugo: Karstadt Muenchen - American Section
malugo: Smore (cracker, marshmallow, chocolate)
malugo: Algonquin Park
malugo: campground coffee
malugo: dragon fly
malugo: Night is when the Bears Come
malugo: Mist Rising in the Morning
malugo: Lac Kipawa
malugo: Nightfall
malugo: Crew
malugo: Algonquin Park - Break on Beaver Trail
malugo: State Theater