malp007: Schattenspiele
malp007: Technical Lights - Water Reflections
malp007: Clouds in the evening
malp007: Windows in a Cowshed
malp007: Inverse Flying Ducks
malp007: Water reflections in black & white
malp007: making breakfast
malp007: de gamle redningsbåd
malp007: H. C. Andersen - Papirsbåden / The Paper Boat / Das Papierboot
malp007: Et skilt på Vestergåden i Odense
malp007: Dannebroen
malp007: waiting so long
malp007: plastic clothespin with a flower
malp007: Golden Beach-Walking
malp007: Waiting for Summer
malp007: Best Friends
malp007: Mikado-Hafen in Langballigau
malp007: There's Gold in the Tree
malp007: Im Rausch der Herbstfarben II
malp007: Nasses Eichenlaub
malp007: Herbst von unten
malp007: looking for the man in the moon
malp007: Laterne, Laterne Sonne, Mond und ...
malp007: The Moon and the old Tree
malp007: Festgemacht
malp007: Farbenspiel in der Küche / playing with colors in the kitchen
malp007: when the sun goes down
malp007: the tree an the light in the night
malp007: "Feinschliff" / backing cockies
malp007: Fly, little birds! Find a place for you!