The Sprout Days of Clea: chaquerrainingingng
The Sprout Days of Clea: Fish tank in Salitral Campo Verde
The Sprout Days of Clea: moco cutting the pig
The Sprout Days of Clea: los de salitral laughing
The Sprout Days of Clea: from the road to campo nuñez
The Sprout Days of Clea: Eli at 6 de agosto parade
The Sprout Days of Clea: Pitu and Cristian at 6 de agosto
The Sprout Days of Clea: view of the pampa
The Sprout Days of Clea: view of the pampa 2
The Sprout Days of Clea: these kids are never up to any good
The Sprout Days of Clea: kindergarten class
The Sprout Days of Clea: officials of el palmar
The Sprout Days of Clea: Manuel explaining how
The Sprout Days of Clea: Washed-out tank
The Sprout Days of Clea: Don Domingo napping during the workshop
The Sprout Days of Clea: Don Francisco and Matt making fish food
The Sprout Days of Clea: Manuel messin around in the water