mamatuscak: whitetail
mamatuscak: 231 front door
mamatuscak: 231 boarded up :(
mamatuscak: 231 boarded up :(
mamatuscak: 231 - looking through the front door
mamatuscak: 231 side dooor
mamatuscak: 231 - looking from the portside deck :(
mamatuscak: back of 231 :(
mamatuscak: lower harbor
mamatuscak: lower harbor
mamatuscak: old ore dock
mamatuscak: i would gladly drink this water
mamatuscak: lower harbor
mamatuscak: view from the landmark
mamatuscak: Devos Art Museum
mamatuscak: tame deer on presque isle park
mamatuscak: presque isle
mamatuscak: katie all multi-tasking and stuff
mamatuscak: floating seagulls
mamatuscak: don't be a stupid
mamatuscak: Devos Art Museum
mamatuscak: MQT from the east
mamatuscak: senior portrait
mamatuscak: lake michigan
mamatuscak: bajillions of shells
mamatuscak: yes michigan
mamatuscak: ahp-pull-ton
mamatuscak: green bay bridge
mamatuscak: feeling better about buying fossil fuels
mamatuscak: wind power!