sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!
sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!
sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!
sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!
sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!
sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!
sophware: Detour? Yep: Mia, 12 hours old. How nice of her to be born when I happen to be visiting!