Malingering: I'm going to rename Milo "snake boy."
Malingering: Pppffffffbbbbbbbbbbtt!
Malingering: Pppffffffbbbbbbbbbbtt!
Malingering: YYEeeeeeeeeeeeeeHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Malingering: ChOMP!
Malingering: chomP!
Malingering: it's on the tip of my tongue
Malingering: there he goes with the taco tongue again
Malingering: Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
Malingering: Moooooooooooooom! Milo's biting again!
Malingering: Hey, can you do this with your tongue?
Malingering: I will eat you!
Malingering: enough with the pictures, lady!
Malingering: lick lick lick
Malingering: I will swallow you whole
Malingering: kissy kiss
Malingering: Milo's tongue
Malingering: Nikon D50 (or D80) here we come.
Malingering: And I think with a good macro lens, we'd be in business.