MalevolentDust: Texas State Fair 2007
MalevolentDust: Texas State Fair 2007
MalevolentDust: Texas State Fair 2007
MalevolentDust: We are here
MalevolentDust: Big train running around his feet
MalevolentDust: Big boots
MalevolentDust: Belly dancers
MalevolentDust: Hall of state
MalevolentDust: Cool concept car
MalevolentDust: Cool concept car
MalevolentDust: Cool concept car
MalevolentDust: Bumblebee!
MalevolentDust: I asked wouldn't change shapes.
MalevolentDust: Ford Robot
MalevolentDust: He set the record for this during the fair
MalevolentDust: Bryan Berg and the city of cards
MalevolentDust: They removed some of the slats near the roof to make room for the top of this.
MalevolentDust: Don't sneeze
MalevolentDust: Fried Peanut Butter Jelly and Bannanas!
MalevolentDust: Fried Coke • Fried Cookie Dough
MalevolentDust: Somebody shrunk the horse!
MalevolentDust: Tiny burros
MalevolentDust: Gentle Camel
MalevolentDust: If it dips in too'll absorb all of the water out of the bucket!
MalevolentDust: Mmmm....steak
MalevolentDust: Giant Sand Sculpture
MalevolentDust: Giant Sand Sculpture