maldorora: Custom Slipcase for Harry's Copy of the Magicians&Astrologers
maldorora: James Thomson's City of Dreadful night, inherited by HC as part of the Walter Berry Library, inscribed by both.
maldorora: Harry's copy of Maldoror by Lautreamont, 1924 ed printed for the Casanova Society
maldorora: Harry & Caresse's copy of Sonnets for Caresse
maldorora: Catalogue description for Sonnets for Caresse
maldorora: Swinburne's Poems (1922), including HC's hieroglyphs indicating how much he liked the book
maldorora: The Book of the Bear by Jane Harrison, inscribed by HC to his godson
maldorora: Harry Crosby's copy of Luzac's Semitic Text
maldorora: Chariot of the Sun: (l)Polia Chentoff woodcut, Polia Chentoff portrait of HC with note by HC's mother, typeset poem by HC
maldorora: Catalogue description of Chariot of the Sun copy inscribed to and by Harry's mother, re: Polia Chentoff portrait (which Caresse later destroyed)
maldorora: Polia Chentoff calling card inscribed to Harry
maldorora: Envelope for Polia Chentoff missive to Harry+Caresse
maldorora: Note to Harry+Caresse from Polia Chentoff
maldorora: Woodruff Library at Emory Exhibition, Shadows of the Sun: Harry Crosby and the Black Sun Press (can I have this on my library wall?)
maldorora: Woodruff Library at Emory Exhibition, Shadows of the Sun: Harry Crosby and the Black Sun Press
maldorora: Black Sun Press notecard related to Rimbaud in translation
maldorora: The copy of Hindu Love Poems which HC carried in his pocket, considered one of the most beautiful of modern books
maldorora: Pochoir of drawing by HC in the 1st Ed of the 1st Shadows of the Sun Diaries (ltd. ed. 44 copies)
maldorora: Letter from Aldous Huxley to Harry
maldorora: Mad Queen, signed by Harry and Caresse
maldorora: The T.S. Eliot poem referring to Harry and Jacqueline's suicides
maldorora: Harry's copy of Psychopathia Sexualis
maldorora: Catalogue description of Harry's copy of Psychopathia Sexualis
maldorora: Note from Harry on his calling card
maldorora: Letters from The Steve and Henrietta Crosby, re: War Letters
maldorora: Anthology
maldorora: Harry's annotated copy of Wilde's Dorian Gray