Malcs P:
Jockey's Fields
Malcs P:
Hophead by the Royal Courts of Justice
Malcs P:
Submerged traffic
Malcs P:
Home improvement
Malcs P:
Red leaves
Malcs P:
Red leaves II
Malcs P:
red leaves III
Malcs P:
Red leaves IV
Malcs P:
Red leaves V
Malcs P:
Red leaves VI
Malcs P:
St Pancras
Malcs P:
Tom Raworth 1
Malcs P:
Tom Raworth 2
Malcs P:
Old rope II
Malcs P:
Old rope
Malcs P:
D is for Dolmio
Malcs P:
Tony Marsh
Malcs P:
De Kooning signage
Malcs P:
Broken wing
Malcs P:
tea's up
Malcs P:
Malcs P:
Malcs P:
wall detail
Malcs P:
inside public art
Malcs P:
busted grille
Malcs P:
wire & shadow
Malcs P:
wire blur
Malcs P:
enemies of abstraction
Malcs P:
broken glass I
Malcs P:
broken glass II