malcolm16: The traditional shell of the pilgrim,
malcolm16: image
malcolm16: Tony @ Bayonne Station
malcolm16: Malcolm @ Saint John Pied de Port
malcolm16: St John Pied de Port main street
malcolm16: Pilgrims Malcolm Tony leaving St John Pied de Port
malcolm16: The view over France St John Pied de Port
malcolm16: Dinner at Orrison Alberque
malcolm16: Chilly
malcolm16: Orrizon Alberque 8 Kms from Saint John pied de port
malcolm16: Way mark
malcolm16: Madonna Pyrenees.
malcolm16: Ice trees Pyrenees France
malcolm16: Over the Pass
malcolm16: Easy Peesy
malcolm16: Early morning Roncevalles Espagna
malcolm16: Hotel, Monastery, Alberque Roncevalles. For some the start point.
malcolm16: See told ya 790 Kms but who is counting. We just walked 35 Kms and lost 25 on the board. Bon Camino where is the cafe con leche?
malcolm16: Lost again. Hey how can anyone get lost on this Camino. WE did.
malcolm16: The Way out of Roncevalles Espagna.
malcolm16: Breakfast or should say Deysauno
malcolm16: Roman road and bridge. Zubiri Espagna
malcolm16: Pilgrim Dinner.
malcolm16: Early morning start. Zubiri.
malcolm16: See any rabbits mate
malcolm16: I am a sucker for flowers.
malcolm16: Morning Cafe con Leche. Akerrata
malcolm16: The way
malcolm16: Heading for Pamplona.
malcolm16: Fields of yellow mustard.