malcolm16: Noodles and the translation machine
malcolm16: Lake cam
malcolm16: Horse cam
malcolm16: On the lake video
malcolm16: Altai
malcolm16: Standing stones
malcolm16: Looking at Kanas village
malcolm16: Lookout; it will fly!
malcolm16: Citt and Marc (guide)
malcolm16: Placid Kanas River
malcolm16: Rafters on the Kanas
malcolm16: Kanas River
malcolm16: Noodles again
malcolm16: Ciit on the steed
malcolm16: Horse cam
malcolm16: Citt on the reluctant steed
malcolm16: Malcolm Kanas Lake with Friendhip Peak White dot.
malcolm16: Kanas Lake with Friendship Peak in background.
malcolm16: Kanas Lake looking due North
malcolm16: Sign
malcolm16: Sign
malcolm16: Sign
malcolm16: Sign
malcolm16: Sign
malcolm16: Spring of water
malcolm16: Kanas River
malcolm16: Citt and Malcolm Dragon Island in background
malcolm16: Citt and Malcolm Kanas River