Mal.Smith: A swing that´s an A
Mal.Smith: A cliche, saw it, had to take a photo.
Mal.Smith: Don´t sit down, three will be along in a minute
Mal.Smith: Here's an illusion of the past
Mal.Smith: Well, it was good being a mod for a year or so.
Mal.Smith: mmm for my alphabet set
Mal.Smith: Nice shot of Sagrada Familia
Mal.Smith: Oh dear, I should have used a tripod
Mal.Smith: OO
Mal.Smith: Sssswans
Mal.Smith: So, this is life in Cambridge
Mal.Smith: Almost a Q
Mal.Smith: V Tree
Mal.Smith: Why not have a shower after a swim
Mal.Smith: 'W' from Neptune
Mal.Smith: X marks the spot
Mal.Smith: Y go that way
Mal.Smith: Y did I take this picture?
Mal.Smith: Zero stress
Mal.Smith: Sagrada familia