malavoda: Waves by S.
malavoda: Blue feather, blue sky.
malavoda: Blue on blue on blue on blue on grey (and a little bit yellow)
malavoda: Burdens on the way of life - Dedicated to O. & S.
malavoda: Bluewin Tower V2
malavoda: Learning photography lesson one - Macro
malavoda: Mind Bomb - Last Questions Of Mankind
malavoda: Snowgarden
malavoda: Missed the target...
malavoda: Tiled
malavoda: Vanishing
malavoda: Contemplation about yin and yang
malavoda: Zipper
malavoda: Black and white color shot
malavoda: Apparently nothing
malavoda: Ceci n'est pas un mur
malavoda: Red Box
malavoda: Break on through
malavoda: Cross and patterns I
malavoda: Architecture and color
malavoda: Moonlight Tango
malavoda: Greyhound dog
malavoda: The Final Curtain
malavoda: o> > >>>
malavoda: ▐▐
malavoda: Rough edges or the impossibility of equalizing part 2
malavoda: Rough edges or the impossibility of equalizing
malavoda: \\\
malavoda: Thin-Fat-Thin
malavoda: Sortie