maki: Nabe no oyako (No. 3)
maki: Mademoiselle Aubergine (Ms. Eggplant) (no. 2)
maki: The dying tofu (thing-a-day no. 1)
maki: The sartorial bunny (no. 4)
maki: Catgirl 1 (no. 5)
maki: Legs and boots (no. 6)
maki: Thing-a-day '08 project - needle book
maki: Thing-a-day '08 project - needle book back
maki: Thing-a-day '08 project - needle book inside
maki: Thing-a-day '08 project 2: rosebud needle book
maki: Thing-a-day '08 project 2: rosebud needle book inside
maki: Thing-a-day '08 project 2: rosebud needle book spine