maki: Calvin L. Adams Country Store (aka Adams Peanuts), Waverly, Virginia
maki: Adams' Peanuts store interior
maki: Mr. Lionel Adams, proprietor, Adams' Peanuts
maki: Virginia hams
maki: Adams' Peanuts store interior - peanuts!
maki: A plate of bagels
maki: A plate of bagels
maki: The Everything of an Everything Bagel
maki: Pumpernickel bagel
maki: Pumpernickel bagel with whitefish and cooked salmon salad
maki: Plain bagel with green onion cream cheese
maki: Plain bagel
maki: Russ & Daughters, Lower East Side, New York
maki: Russ & Daughters, Lower East Side, New York
maki: Russ & Daughters, Lower East Side, New York
maki: Meshugge sandwich!