maki: Biedermeier Fest, Heiden, Appenzell, Switzerland
maki: Swiss preserves
maki: Old and young
maki: Serenading the ladies
maki: Foto bitte
maki: Greeting Sir John
maki: Elegant couple
maki: Dancing to the music
maki: The band
maki: Pretty girls
maki: Twirling
maki: Hairdressing
maki: The singers
maki: Things aren't always what they seem
maki: Horse and buggy
maki: Singers
maki: Woodworking demonstration
maki: Crocheted accessories for horses
maki: Steam train along the Bodensee (Lake Constance)
maki: Sawing logs the old-fashioned way
maki: Crafts person
maki: Mixing up styles
maki: Boys dress up too
maki: Appenzeller Biedermeier cheese
maki: Embroiderer
maki: Embroidery
maki: Dolls
maki: Moo.
maki: Felted bags
maki: Liqueurs