makipon: fine day for a walk
makipon: raclette al fresco
makipon: lakeside
makipon: I'm contemplating getting a mountain bike too!
makipon: swiss national day!
makipon: sunset in Zurich
makipon: horses and cyclist
makipon: pumpkin farm
makipon: slanting sun
makipon: tree and bird nests
makipon: end of a day on Pfaffikersee
makipon: silence on the water
makipon: boats at dusk
makipon: end of the day
makipon: cigarette factory
makipon: city guides
makipon: furniture shop
makipon: loo in a furniture shop
makipon: hat store
makipon: pizzeria before opening time
makipon: sign of a good pizzeria
makipon: Zurich wander
makipon: no need for umbrellas today!
makipon: it rained the day before
makipon: zuriberg
makipon: maki in the forest
makipon: silence in the forest
makipon: Seealpsee from above
makipon: walking along the ridge to Rotsteinpass
makipon: Lisengrat path