makipon: I made this in a professional kitchen ^^
makipon: ceps are out early!
makipon: I dropped by the photographers gallery earlier today
makipon: my x100 makes a friend
makipon: London Underground
makipon: do you remember the seeds I sowed a while ago?
makipon: standing inside a whale's tummy at the Cambridge zoology department
makipon: steamy sichuan
makipon: South west trains
makipon: Two new types of asparagus to try - have you ever seen this red variety before??
makipon: my friend's garden pond
makipon: a little high street in the Cotswolds
makipon: leafy graveyard
makipon: Deutsche Börse photography prize exhibition
makipon: photographers gallery window
makipon: fountains
makipon: drying processed film in tim's shower!
makipon: magic
makipon: 120mm and 35mm
makipon: sun slanting on primrose hill
makipon: mid-week temaki for two, so utterly stuffed!
makipon: Today's photo walk was shot mostly with film, followed by a DIY processing session!
makipon: Pembroke house
makipon: gorgeous test prints from my favourite photographer!
makipon: the most amazing tree canopy!
makipon: five seconds of sunshine
makipon: it looks like a lot of smoke is coming out of the chimney!
makipon: hello
makipon: party time!