makingpeace: Today's Fire Drill Friday vigil, in honor of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
makingpeace: Today's capitol vigil, the day that the UN Treaty prohibiting the use, manufacture and sale of nuclear weapons became international law - a treaty the US still won't sign
makingpeace: Fire Drill Friday vigil
makingpeace: TX State Capitol
makingpeace: TX State Capitol, my first time back on the grounds since the summer when the grounds were roped off
makingpeace: Cornerstone, TX State Capitol
makingpeace: Mockingbird perches on the head of one of the figures in the Tejano monument at the TX State Capitol
makingpeace: detail, the African-American monument at the TX Capitol
makingpeace: Detail, representing the use of prison labor of unjustly imprisoned African-American men in the building of the TX State Capitol
makingpeace: One of the plaques on the African-American monument
makingpeace: Detail from the African-American monument at the TX State Capitol