makingpeace: Opa and Elinor
makingpeace: Owen and Elinor
makingpeace: Tables are turned!
makingpeace: Josh and Owen
makingpeace: Owen in the web tunnel
makingpeace: Owen in the web tunnel
makingpeace: Josh in the web tunnel
makingpeace: Elinor in the web tunnel
makingpeace: Elinor in the web tunnel
makingpeace: The Eagle Scouts build a fort
makingpeace: Opa and Owen in bamboo battle
makingpeace: Oma tests the strength of the Eagle Scout fort. Success!
makingpeace: Elinor in the mirror fort
makingpeace: Elinor and Owen in the mirror fort
makingpeace: Elinor and Owen in the mirror fort
makingpeace: Josh and Owen
makingpeace: Josh and Elinor
makingpeace: Opa demonstrates the pinkie pullup
makingpeace: Josh and Elinor
makingpeace: Josh and Elinor
makingpeace: Elinor and Josh
makingpeace: Elinor and Josh
makingpeace: Elinor and her spotters
makingpeace: Elinor gets the hang!
makingpeace: Elinor perseveres
makingpeace: Opa needs a push
makingpeace: Elinor and Oma
makingpeace: Owen in the Liveoak
makingpeace: Kate and Owen in the Liveoak
makingpeace: Opa and Josh earn their Human Swing badges