makingpeace: Jeff and Susan at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
makingpeace: Jeff at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
makingpeace: On our Christmas morning ride
makingpeace: Susan's bike
makingpeace: Jeff and Susan at Lou Neff Point near our special brick
makingpeace: Jeff and Susan at Lou Neff Point
makingpeace: Our brick at Lou Neff Point
makingpeace: Our brick at Lou Neff Point
makingpeace: The mystery ninja asks...
makingpeace: Kung Fu Grip is right! Amazing train trestle artist strikes again
makingpeace: Our sweet little tree
makingpeace: Our little tree
makingpeace: Jeff and Christmas paper
makingpeace: Our tree
makingpeace: Ornaments
makingpeace: Jeff and his gift from Travis and Mindy
makingpeace: He likes it!
makingpeace: Susan opening present from Mom
makingpeace: Lovely gifts from Mom
makingpeace: Kisi in the window
makingpeace: Horse ornaments from Jeff's folks' traditional tree
makingpeace: Ferry ornament
makingpeace: Jeff's and my NYC book gifts to one another
makingpeace: Ornaments
makingpeace: Ornaments
makingpeace: Jeff and ornaments
makingpeace: Jeff on Christmas afternoon
makingpeace: Kisi and his Christmas ball from Sally
makingpeace: Loquat tree blooming on Christmas