make/shift: asst coach a joe
make/shift: coach's uniform
make/shift: team q
make/shift: q, hydrating
make/shift: 3/4 of the deadeye divas
make/shift: mom & _________
make/shift: 1st stand
make/shift: the most difficult stand
make/shift: delia reloads, mom talks shop
make/shift: mom reloads
make/shift: it's blurry 'cause she's so fast
make/shift: statesboro ob&gyn stand
make/shift: nailed it.
make/shift: not posed.
make/shift: mom & eagle's nest
make/shift: ms. connie, dad, concentration
make/shift: mr tom, mr perk & his awesome sweater vest
make/shift: mom & her lions
make/shift: mom, lions, twee statues
make/shift: count the lions
make/shift: lion & maker
make/shift: lion, pine trees, rock wall
make/shift: more pine trees