The Makerfield Archive: Greenfield House, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: Tasker cross and memorial, Windleshaw Cemetery
The Makerfield Archive: Mr and Mrs William Hill Brancker, 1860
The Makerfield Archive: Coach-House, Greenfield House, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: Thomas Heald, Mayor of Wigan 1866-8
The Makerfield Archive: “Cheering The New Mayor”, Charles Henry Woollett, c.1860
The Makerfield Archive: Looking south from Greenfield House towards Carr Mill Dam
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield School, Billinge”, c.1905
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield House, Billinge: Proposed Additions”, c.1902
The Makerfield Archive: “Mother General finds it impossible to keep on the place...”
The Makerfield Archive: “The Sisters will hand over to the Sisters of St Paul...”
The Makerfield Archive: Foundation Stone, Nugent (ex-Greenfield) House School, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield Certified School, Billinge: Proposed Additions” (1909) (Exterior)
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield Certified School, Billinge: Proposed Additions: Ground Floor Plan [and] Section Thro Playroom” (1909)
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield Certified School, Billinge: Proposed Additions: First Floor Plan” (1909)
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield Certified School, Billinge: Proposed Additions: Second Floor Plan” (1909)
The Makerfield Archive: Domestic Chapel c.1920, Greenfield Orphanage, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: Stations and Statues, Nugent House School, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield Certified School, Billinge: Proposed Additions and Alterations” (1910)
The Makerfield Archive: Archbishop Whiteside and Whiteside House, Nugent House School, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: “the poor little emigrants”
The Makerfield Archive: “Greenfield Billinge” c.1920
The Makerfield Archive: “Billinge Children at Formby”, 1925
The Makerfield Archive: “Alterations and Additions to Greenfield Certified School”, 7 April 1930
The Makerfield Archive: “Sun Ray Extension to Billinge Orphanage” - Wigan Observer, 21 February 1931
The Makerfield Archive: Mortuary, Nugent House School, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: Memorial Plaque, Nugent House School, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: Burials in the Churchyard of St Mary, Birchley, Billinge
The Makerfield Archive: “Expedición a Inglaterra”
The Makerfield Archive: “Ninos Billinge”