The Makerfield Archive:
"Ministers and Vicars of This Church", Church of St Thomas The Apostle, Ashton in Makerfield
The Makerfield Archive:
Baptism of James (Jonas) Wood, 1 May 1639
The Makerfield Archive:
Minutes of the Committee for the Relief of Plundered Ministers..., 1643-60
The Makerfield Archive:
Signatories to the 'Harmonious Consent' of 1648
The Makerfield Archive:
“gods heavy hand of the plague”, 1649
The Makerfield Archive:
“a very godly preacher”: 1650 Church Survey
The Makerfield Archive:
“the Riseinge would bee before Boulton ffayre”
The Makerfield Archive:
“Mr Woods came to take leave of every inhabitant”
The Makerfield Archive:
“ … a communion at James Lowes Neawton Common”
The Makerfield Archive:
“that sad sorrowfull newes of Mr. Woods death”
The Makerfield Archive:
“some piece of disgrace in the chapell”
The Makerfield Archive:
“Conventiclers and disaffected to the Church of England”
The Makerfield Archive:
1690/91 Dissenters' Common Fund Survey (Alexander Gordon transcript, extract)
The Makerfield Archive:
1690/91 Dissenters' Common Fund Survey (Alexander Gordon transcript, extract)
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Farm, 20.4.15
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel and School
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel: 17th century Bible and pewter plate etc of unknown date
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel publications, 1956-2014
The Makerfield Archive:
1698 “bargain and sale with feoffment”
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel exterior: north and east façades
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel, 1864
The Makerfield Archive:
“a very peculiar creature”: Park Lane Chapel exterior details
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel: exterior and burial ground, south side
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel: south-east exterior and lych gate
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel: Women's League and lych gate memorial plaque
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel interior: general view, west to east
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel interior: oak panelling
The Makerfield Archive:
Park Lane Chapel: war memorials
The Makerfield Archive:
"Ministers of this Chapel..."
The Makerfield Archive:
David Shaw Memorial, Park Lane Chapel