maccymacx: Sketch notes from UXCB14 Session "The minimum lovable product" Talk by @kungfucarlos (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketch notes from UXCB14 Session "Visual notetaking" Talk by @Boonych (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketch notes from UXCB14 Session "Can't see the wood for the trees: user needs and stories" Talk by @jwaterworth (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketch notes from UXCB14 Session "Smooth simple projects for happy, happy stakeholders" Talk by @RobotPerson (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketch notes from UXCB14 Session "An example of Dark UI" Talk by @kongroove (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketch notes from UXCB14 Session "5 UX patterns in interactive video" Talk by @annlytical (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)