maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Research Thing "Research with an older audience" - The how to's of research with an older audience - Simon Rubens from New Experience (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Research Thing "Research with an older audience" - Getting old isn't what it used to be - Joanna Brassett from Studio INTO (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from RHUL Digital Humanities Seminar "The interface Envelope: Power, Cognition and Gaming" talk by James Ash (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from RHUL Information Security Group Seminar "Service Users: Saints or Sinners?" talk by Dr. Lizzie Coles-Kemp (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: IVM2015 Paper Session: Exploring Visual Methodologies (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: IVM2015 Keynote: Seldom seen: signs, signals and significance by Joe Lambert (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: IVM2015 Paper Session: Critical perspectives on visual methodologies (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: IVM2015 Keynote: Visual methods in expanded field: mutable, mass and mobile by Gillian Rose (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from #UXDiscuss Live Twitter Discussion about UX Personas (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Ladies That UX London "Design and Gender" How To Ask About Gender - Claire Gowler (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Ladies That UX London "Design and Gender" Women Are From Earth: Gender and Software Design - Dr Simone Stumpf (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Research Thing "Remote Research": Mobile research for innovation - the benefits of being in the moment - Ben Claxton from @nativeye (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Research Thing "Remote Research": Beyond analytics - getting visual insights from real sessions - Will Leuchars from @SessionCam (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from Research Thing "Remote Research": Think remote UX testing is worse than lab? These 5 Companies Will Change Your Mind - Peter W. Szabo from @whatusersdo (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Research Thing "Smart City Research": How can Design Methodologies help solve wicked city problems? - Andrea Edmunds (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Research Thing "Smart City Research": Cities Unlocked research: people, places and technology - Claire Mookerjee (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Research Thing "Smart City Research": Research through film - Anastasia Vikhornova and Christian Schmeer (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015 - Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24)Design Like You Give A Damn talk by Léonie Watson (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015 - Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24)User Stories: An Effective Method for Developing User Centered Interfaces talk by Mike Paciello (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015 - Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) Cognitive Accessibility 101 talk by Jamie Knight (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015 - Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) Accessibility Nerdvana talk by Steve Faulkner (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015 - Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24)Accessibility By Design talk by Laura Kalbag (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2015 - Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24)What's going on in the Web Accessibility Research World: A round-table discussion talk by David Sloan (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Research Thing Panel: Exploring the transition from being a student to getting a job, what academia needs from the industry and what the industry needs from the academia
maccymacx: Research Thing: Video Games and Research - Ara Avakian and Tom Knoll (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Research Thing: “Más tecnología, más cambio”? Investigating an educational technology project in rural Peru" - Emeline Therias (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Research Thing: Are smartphone apps a viable solution for crowd-sourced environmental noise monitoring? - Eleonora Cognetti (drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from #HCID2015 "The Digital Bank and the Branch" talk by Tanya Ahmed (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from #HCID2015 "The (M)admen of the 50s were the first User Experience designers." talk by Jon Dodd (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from #HCID2015 "Co-design: group therapy to bridge the client-user gap." talk by Stavros Gazornis (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)