maccymacx: 3 fish in a bag, in related news what should I have for dinner?
maccymacx: Me aged 6
maccymacx: English countryside
maccymacx: Starglazing
maccymacx: Sherlock minifigure
maccymacx: St James park
maccymacx: Houseplant
maccymacx: Pollen
maccymacx: St Patricks Day Lego minifigs
maccymacx: Piccadilly Circus
maccymacx: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: look on my works, ye mighty, & despair"
maccymacx: Stuffing my face w/ Heston Blumenthal Earl Grey hot-cross buns. #happyEaster
maccymacx: MET horses...
maccymacx: Your nicked! #LegoPolice
maccymacx: peaceful Thames....
maccymacx: lovely weather we're having today. #sarcasm
maccymacx: Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station...
maccymacx: picnic time...
maccymacx: looking in fish tank, considering Fish & Chips for dinner :P #nomnom
maccymacx: 'Ichthys' Font by Colin Reid. #art
maccymacx: Double Screen by W.Ranshaw. #art #optical #glass
maccymacx: "Finial" in wrought iron (18th century)
maccymacx: blown glass...
maccymacx: looking out across the pond...
maccymacx: Finally got some time to work on #Analogue Wall piece (aka #LomoWall) for entrance hallway... #film #art #prints
maccymacx: lovely view...
maccymacx: 1/3 of hallway #Analogue Wall done & dusted... #lomo #lomowall #film #art
maccymacx: Autumn leaves...
maccymacx: Ground frost...